A photographer specialising in wildlife, sport, landscapes, events and street photography - and travel when I can !
My type of photography focuses on the world about us - in the moment. What excites me is capturing images which are impossible or very difficult to repeat -"a brief history in time". That has obvious resonance in respect of wildlife and sport, but it applies equally to landscapes for example where the quality of light at a particular time is often the deciding factor in creating a great image. While I can of course appreciate well executed "set ups" like portraits and still life I will generally leave that to others.
I am a creative in that each time you go out to shoot you have nothing in the camera - zilch, nada. However you may have some ideas - or you may hope for some luck ! To use a language analogy the objective is to create an image that is not just a word but a sentence. Something to retain the viewer's attention for longer. A paragraph is perhaps asking too much but you can but dream.
I have been awarded a Licentiate (LRPS) of the Royal Photographic Society in the UK http://www.rps.org/
I am a member of the Society of International Nature & Wildlife Photographers (SINWP) https://thesocieties.net/sinwp/
and I am a Licentiate of the Society of International Media and Press Photographers https://thesocieties.net/simpp/
In 2021 I was awarded Bird Photographer of the Year by SINWP from a total of 1,700 worldwide entrants.
The 2020 pandemic has allowed me to re-join the Edinburgh Photographic Society as many meetings, competitions and lectures are conducted via Zoom as well as in person https://www.edinburghphotographicsociety.co.uk/wp/
You can access my LinkedIn, Instagram and Flickr profiles via the buttons on the left. You can find my Viewbug portfolio at http://www.viewbug.com/member/AlanJ and my Photocrowd portfolio at https://www.photocrowd.com/accounts/25770/
If you would like to use any of my images for any reason please contact me - I will be flattered and not difficult to deal with !

Selfie in the mirror !