Extremely rare Northern Bald Ibis. This bird is endangered on a world-wide basis. It actually became extinct in Europe 300 years ago but small numbers have been successfully introduced in Spain and seem to be doing well.

Pair of Jackdaws

Slender Billed Gull with catch of the day


Grey Heron

Little Egret

Rare White Headed Duck

Slender Billed Gull going fishing

. . . . and with its catch

Ruppel´s Vulture - a rare visitor as this is an African bird. It is thought they occasionally mix with flocks of Griffon Vulture from Spain and then travel north as part of the latter´s migration.

Griffon Vulture

Northern Bald Ibis nest building

Northern Bald Ibis with chicks

Little Egret in flight

Cattle Egret in breeding plumage

Immature Short Toed Eagle

Flock of Glossy Ibis

Cattle Egret in flight